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Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia
Автор: Sean Duffy
Название: Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 2005
Формат: pdf in rar
Размер: 4.05 Мб
Язык: Английский
Through violent incursions by the Vikings and the spread of Christianity, medieval Ireland maintained a distinctive Gaelic identity. From the sacred site of Tara to the
manuscript illuminations in the Book of Kells, Anglo-Irish relations to the Connachta dynasty, Ireland during the middle ages was a rich and vivid culture.
Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia brings together in one authoritative resource the multiple facets of life in Ireland before and after the Anglo-Norman invasion of 1169, from
the sixth to sixteenth century. Multidisciplinary in coverage, this A-Z reference work provides information on historical events, economics, politics, the arts, religion,
intellectual history, and many other aspects of the period. Written by the world's leading scholars on the subject, this highly accessible reference work will enable students,
researchers, and general readers alike to explore topics such as:
* The development of the city of Dublin from the early Irish settlement of Ath Cliath (ford of hurdle-work) in the sixth century C.E. to a thriving medieval city
* The history of kings and kingships in medieval Ireland including political structure, royal dynasties, and historical roots
* Different literary genres including historical tales, satire, aideda, and Irish poetry as well as the outside influence on medieval Irish literature by the Carolingian
dynasty, the Anglo-Saxons, the Scottish, and others
* The literary, political, and religious people from the Irish middle ages such as Marianus Scottus, Strongbow, Brian Boru, St. Brigit, and Richard FitzRalph
* The culture and society of the era including music, games, craftwork, role of women, fraternities, and bardic schools
With over 345 essays ranging from 250 to 2,500 words, Medieval Ireland paints a lively and colorful portrait of the time.
Fighting Techniques of the Medieval World AD 500 - AD 1500
Название: Fighting Techniques of the Medieval World AD 500 - AD 1500
Автор: M. Bennett, J. Bradbury, K. DeVries, I. Dickie, P. Jestice
Издательство: Thomas Dunne Books
Год издания: 2005
Страниц: 256
Язык: Английский
Формат: pdf
Качество: хорошее
Размер: 107 Мб
Книга исследует уникальную для средневековья тактику, необходимую для достижения победы. / Fighting Techniques of the Medieval World describes the fighting methods of soldiers
in Europe and the Near East in an age before the widepsread use of gunpowder. The book explores the unique tactics required to win battles with the technology available and
demonstrates how, in some respects, little has changed of the art of war.
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