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Вчера надыбал монографию John W. Waterer'а - "Leather and the warrior \ An account of the importance of leather to the fighting man from the time of the ancient Greeks to
World War II"; консультант - Claude Blair.
Вот некоторые фотографии и подписи к ним. По-моему, довольно безосновательные предположения. И разброс времени в исследовании пугает.
Хотя, было очень интересно увидеть часть кожаной конской брони 16-го и несколько кожаных пожарных касок 18-го вв. ;-)
№1 - Effigy of Carluccio Vulcano (d. 1345) in the Church of S. Domenico Maggiere, Naples. The upper arm and leg defences with relief patterning in all probability represent
cuir bouilli, the pattern being carved in the wooden moulds in which they were shaped. Foto Alinari.
№2 - Cuirie or cuirass: side view of the 13th century effigy of an unknown knight in Pershore Abbey, Worcestershire (Courtesy of Claude Blair, MA, FSA, European Armour)
clearly showing the junction of the front and rear parts of the cuirie, probably of either cuir bouilli or buff leather, with the joining straps emerging through slots (a
familiar leather technique); the cuirie is covered by a surcoat. A similar example is on the effigy of Gilbert Marshal, 4th Earl of Pembroke (d. 1241) in the Temple Church,
London, but it is very difficult to see as the details are covered by the arm slightly raised so that ths sword could be grasped.
(чем не крепление раннего СОР? На вторую половину 13 века известны источники на СОР, а на "кюри" нет)
№3 - Effigy in the Temple Church, London, as it was before severe damage during the last war. This knight wears a cuirass apparently of leather, but no surcoat. The figure
also wears an 'armyng cap', probably of stuffed leather. Courtesy of the Royal Commision on Historical Monuments.
(№4 - Нашёл прорисовку этого же надгробия (~ 1200 г.) целиком, на которой видно, что поверх кольчуги на рыцаре одето самое обычное сюрко. Подобных надгробий на тот же период
можно кучу найти.)